Sunday 8 October 2017

Particles exploration

Particles exploration


1.Choose image and save it then open it in  photoshop.

2.Make a new layer (ctrl J) . Take marky rectangle tool and select the area cut to cut which you want to edit.

3.Right click and select fill option (content aware). The selected area will disappear. Hide layer 1 and go on background layer.

4.Ctrl D for deselection.Take lasso tool and select the area again. make two new layers (Ctrl J-you will get layer 2) (Ctrl J-you will get layer 2 copy).

5.Go on layer 2 . (Ctrl T) Stretch the selected area as you want and enter.

6.Mask the same layer. Go on layer 2 copy and mask it.

7. Go on layer 2 and click it. Select the colour and take the bucket click on the strected area. 

8. Take the brush which you want and click the particles will obtain as shown below.

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