Monday 20 November 2017



1.Take A4 size paper in landscape orientation and place picture on it.
2.Select image go to adjustments and click on replace colour.

3.Take eye dropper and select area of your picture.

4.Select the colour and press OK, colour will be filled.
5.Final Exploration.

Shadow Exploration


1.Take the picture of perfume bottle,crop it.

2.Take the duplicate layer of croped perfume bottle
3.Click the 'fx' then a window will come and select colour overlay. After that take black colour for shadow.

4.Ctrl T to the duplicate layer and drag the shadow as you want.
5.Place the duplicate layer below the origal layer and less the opacity.
6.Final Exploration.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Low polly

Low polly 


1.Select your own image and open it in the photoshop.

2.Take pen tool and make polygons as per depth and planes of your image, also by using eye dropper pick the colour fill it using bucket.

3.Same process for whole image.

4.Hide the background layer.

Image Manipulation

Image manipulation (brown paper composition)


1.Choose images as per you want to edit.

2. For my composition, Take a image of city(bird eye view)Also choose the image of man falling from the top of building.

3.Take lasso tool select the man and drag it to city image. By (ctrl T) adjust it as per perspective. 

4.Make new layer above the background.Draw a rectangle and fill purssian blue colour. 

5.Go to layer effect and select multiply also adjust the opacity.

6.Select one garden image, In the same way drag it to the layer and adjust as per perspective.

7.We can change image as we want .

 for my composition- garden layer  opacity is less,levels of image are adjusted,edges of garden are blurred by using brush having hardness 0 so that it is merged in the background.

Image correction exploration

Image correction eexploration 


1.Choose any scratched old image and open it in photoshop.

2.Take the clone stamp tool. Adjust the brush size.

3.By pressing Alt  click on the nearest colour(the nearest colour is picked) and fill the scratch.

4.In this way we can remove all the scratches and make the photo clear.

5.Ctrl U for Hue/saturation, adjust the Hue/saturation and lightness as you want.

6. Final Image.

Particles exploration

Particles exploration


1.Choose image and save it then open it in  photoshop.

2.Make a new layer (ctrl J) . Take marky rectangle tool and select the area cut to cut which you want to edit.

3.Right click and select fill option (content aware). The selected area will disappear. Hide layer 1 and go on background layer.

4.Ctrl D for deselection.Take lasso tool and select the area again. make two new layers (Ctrl J-you will get layer 2) (Ctrl J-you will get layer 2 copy).

5.Go on layer 2 . (Ctrl T) Stretch the selected area as you want and enter.

6.Mask the same layer. Go on layer 2 copy and mask it.

7. Go on layer 2 and click it. Select the colour and take the bucket click on the strected area. 

8. Take the brush which you want and click the particles will obtain as shown below.

Texture exploration


Glass texture exploration


  1.Choose the image of half filled glass of water and image of vapour texture.

  2. Select the area by pentool. Go to select option on the top of photoshop window and select save selection and name it. D selection- Ctrl D.

  3. Make a new layer and place the vapour texture on it.

  4. Go to select option again and click load selection . one small window will open then in channel option go to your saved selection and click the invert and enter.

  5. click Delete so that the unwanted area of texture will disappear.

  6. Go to layer effect ane select overlay and also decrease the opacity.

  7. Texture is placed.


Product retouch

Product retouch- 


  1.  Select image from internet and place it on the A4 size page in photoshop.


    2.Take pentool and select area which you want to edit.

    3.Select colour to fill in your selected area.
    4.In the right side of photoshop window there is effect option near the opacity option.

    5.Select darken effect there.

    6.Image is edited. 

    In the same way you can edit products by different effect.

    Few examples below.

    1. Effect colour burn.

    2. Effect Screen.